Shopify App

Package object

Description of all the Package object's values and their types - Package.

Property Type Description
track_number String Package tracking number
created_at String Date and time package was added. ISO 8601
last_tracking_date String | null Date and time of last package info update. ISO 8601.
The null value is possible if the package hasn't been updated yet
origin String | null Package sender's address
destination String | null Package destination address
last_status String Status description from the last package checkpoint
status Int Package status ID. Read more in the status guide
checkpoints [Checkpoint] List of all package checkpoints
last_status_date String Date of last checkpoint. ISO 8601
est_delivery_date_from String | null Estimated initial (or exact, if the value "est_delivery_date_to" is null) package delivery date. ISO 8601
est_delivery_date_to String | null Estimated package delivery date.ISO 8601
extra_track_numbers [String] List of additional package tracking numbers
hash String Hash of the current package information. Read more in the Updating package information section
consolidated_track_number String | null Consolidated package number
consolidation_date String | null Package consolidation date. ISO 8601
destination_country_code String ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 package destination country code.
updating Bool Flag indicating whether the package information is currently being updated
days_on_way Int Number of days the package has currently been in transit . Or the number of days from the when tracking began to delivery if the package has already been delivered
weight String | null Package weight
extra_info [String:String] Additional package info
info [String:String] Additional package info
couriers_ids [1] [Int] List of IDs for delivery service that delivered a package during the whole tracking period
courier_id [1] Int ID of the delivery service currently delivering the package
couriers [2] [Courier] List of delivery services that delivered a package during the whole tracking period
courier [2] Courier Delivery service currently delivering the package


1. The property will be present in the object only if a header to expand objects WAS NOT sent in the request

2. The property will be present in the object only if a header to expand objects WAS sent in the request